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Contacting Newton Youth Soccer

Before contacting us, please see if you can find the information you are seeking here on this website. If you are unable to find the information, use the following guidelines for contacting NYS staff and volunteers. 

  • If your question is related to your child’s team, games, coach or practice times please look up the age group coordinator below and send them an e-mail.
  • If your question has to do with registration, or waivers, contact Ed Jenkinson our registrar.
  • If your question is about finances, please contact our treasurer

Please be respectful of the time of people you contact.  All our staff are volunteers with other daily responsibilities.  


Role Name Contact Info
President Clifford Slater e-mail
VP -Travel Coordinator Costas Pavlides e-mail
Intramural Coordinator Ed Jenkinson (non voting member) e-mail
9-12 TravelSid Chaudhrye-mail
EquipmentEd Johnstone-mail
Treasurer Laura Woodward e-mail
Special Projects / FieldsStephen Bradleye-mail
BAYS LiaisonDave Belforte-mail
Secretary Stephen Bradley e-mail
CommunityAmy Konarye-mail

RegistrarEd Jenkinsone-mail
Director of CoachingEd Jenkinsone-mail
Technical CoordinatorZach Andersone-mail
Fields SchedulerEd Jenkinsone-mail
Scholarships/OutreachJyoti Peterse-mail


TRAVEL: Age Group Coordinator Fall 2024 - Spring 2025

VP - TravelCostas Pavlides
3rd Grade Age Group CoordinatorBob Varelas
4th Grade Age Group CoordinatorMatt Cusick
5th Grade Age Group CoordinatorKarl Berntorp
6th Grade Age Group CoordinatorAmy Konary
7th Grade Age Group CoordinatorCostas Pavlides
8th Grade Age Group CoordinatorEd Jenkinson
9-12th Grade Age Group CoordinatorSid Chaudhry
BAYS RefereesIoannis Kyratzoglou

Intramural (In Town) Age Group Coordinators & Volunteers - FALL 2024

Role Name Contact Info
Intramural Coordinator Ed Jenkinson e-mail
IM Grade 1 Coordinator Laura Warrene-mail
 IM Grade 2 CoordinatorMark Ricee-mail
 IM Grade 3 CoordinatorKatherine Biottie-mail
IM Grade 4 Coordinator TBC 
IM Grade 5-6 Coordinator Betty Grabauskas  e-mail 
IM Referees Training Ioannis Kyratzoglou e-mail
IM Referees Coordinator Sana Fadel e-mail


"I've watch my kids go through this program for seven years and the lessons they've learned in sportsmanship and teamwork will help them the rest of their lives."
-- Paul Goayutar
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