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Rescheduling BAYS Games

NOTE: The fields rescheduling process has been revamped to become partially form-based instead of solely-e-mail based. This will allow for more uniformity of requests and (hopefully) quicker response times. 
How to reschedule a HOME game:

  •  As soon as it become clear that a home game must be rescheduled, you should contact the opposing coach and arrange a mutually agreeable make-up date. It is also advisable to agree on a backup date in case the first reschedule date is unavailable. Please follow all BAYS guidelines for rescheduling - including offering the opposing team at least 3 alternate dates and scheduling postponed games no more than 2 weeks after the original game date. Preponed games can been rescheduled virtually any time.

  •  Once you and the opposing team have agreed on dates, use the rescheduling form to request a field.

  • If you have multiple rescheduling requests, you must fill out a separate form for each one and send separate e-mail notifications. Each rescheduled game is its own unique request. No rescheduling request will be considered without a properly filled-out form
  •  To fill out this form, you will need two crucial numbers: Your unique alphanumeric team identifier (G805, B302, etc.) and your BAYS game number. BAYS game numbers are located in the far left column of the schedule on your BAYS team page.

  • Once you have sent the form, you should send an e-mail alerting the Referee Coordinator that your request has been submitted.
  • You will receive an e-mail from the Fields Rescheduler. This e-mail informs you of your rescheduled field assignment and notifies the Referee Coordinator that it is OK to assign a ref or refs to the rescheduled game.
  • After receiving your rescheduled field assignment, you should follow up with the Referee Coordinator and the opposing coach to confirm that all elements of the game are in place.


  • Whenever possible, you should schedule makeup games for your approved practice time and field. This cuts down on player and parent availability issues and these requests will almost always be granted.
  • Popular practice nights like Thursdays and at the lighted fields at Albemarle and Forte are very difficult to schedule due to their popularity and our limited space. Avoid these if possible.
  • BAYS games take priority over scheduled practices. If need be we will bump teams off their practice fields to open space for rescheduled games. The Fields Scheduler will notify the practice team and help them find alternate space.
  • Public school use of fields trumps our games and practices.  If you find that you have conflicts with school-based teams or activities, please calmly and patiently work things out at that time and send the Fields Rescheduler a note so the conflict can be avoided in the future.

Rescheduling Intramural Games

Most of the time, Intramural games that canceled due to inclement weather, do not get rescheduled. However, if several weeks of games are canceled, the league might decide to add an additional week of games. This will be communicated to all families by the Intramural Age Group Coordinators.
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