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Age Specific Rules

We follow FIFA/BAYS Rules with additional information / highlights below:

1. Length of Game.
a. 2nd grade -- 45-minute game (two 20-minute halves with a 5-minute half time)
b. Grades 3, 4 and 5/6 are 60-minute games (two 30-minute halves w/a 5-minute half time).

2. # of players on the field per game.
a. 1st grade: 4v4 (no goalie)
b. 2nd grade: 5v5
c. 3rd grade: 7v7
d. 5/6th grade: 9v9

3. Heading
Intentional heading is not allowed. Per BAYS, if in the discretion of the Ref the player deliberately tried to head the ball an indirect kick should be awarded to the other team.

4. Offside
No offside at 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade. 5/6th grade games will call ‘obvious’ offside. Offside calls will result in an indirect free kick from the spot of the infringement.

5. Indirect kicks in the Penalty Area
These can happen. In the event it does, an Indirect kick would be awarded at the spot of the foul except NO CLOSER THAN 6 yards (so if a push happens on the two yard line, the ball would be placed at the 6 yard mark, not on the 2 yard mark).

6. Penalty Kicks
a. Grade 2 – 8 yard line
b. Grade 3 & 4 – 8 yard line
c. Grade 5/6 – 10 yard line

7. Goal Kicks
a. Taken from the ‘6 yard’ box
b. The ball is in play when it leaves the penalty area.
c. 2nd, 3rd & 4th grade – opposition to back up to the half way line.

8. Goalkeeper Punts
2nd, 3rd and 4th grade ONLY: Goalkeeper punts cannot go over half field in the air. If it does, an
indirect kick is awarded from the mid field line roughly where the ball crossed the line.

9. Substitutions
Coaches must ASK the referee BEFORE they sub. Players should be lined up at the halfway line and at the appropriate time the coach can REQUEST subs.
You may substitute at ANY STOPPAGE in play.
Note: no substitution can be made without the referee's approval. A player receiving a yellow card must be subbed out. If no sub is available, the team receiving the yellow card plays a man down until they can be
subbed back in. Players sent off for a red card a not subbed for.

10. Kick Off/Restarts

You can kick backwards now.

11. Parents
Parents must be on the sideline opposite the coaches and players



Referee Roles


2nd Grade Referees and Mentors:

Head referee:
•Arrive 15 minutes prior to game start time
•Check-in both teams
•Responsible for time keeping and blowing whistles to call for out of bounds, fouls, kick off, half-time and end of game
•Check in with your mentor before the game, during half time and at the end of the game with any questions and for tips.

•Arrive 15 minutes prior to the first game start
•You are responsible to oversee a total of three (or two for 12pm games) referees.
•Check in with referees prior to game and ask referees if they have questions
•Observe referees during the game and check in at half time to share observations and advice
•Check in with referee at the end of their game time and ask if they have any questions

3rd and 4th Grade Referees:

Head referee:
•Arrive 15 minutes prior to game start time
•Check-in both teams
•Responsible for time keeping and blowing whistles to call for out of bounds, fouls, kick off, half-time and end of game

Assistant referee:
•Arrive 15 minutes prior to game start
•Check that all fields have a head referee. If a field does not have a referee, you will take over as head referee.
•If all fields have a head referee, choose one game and check in with the head referee to let him know that you will be assisting.
•Assistant referee assists from the sidelines to help call out of bounds and fouls
•IMPORTANT NOTE: the Silbo app will list you as “Head Referee” but the field name will be called “Brown Oak Hill: Assistant Ref” and not team names.

5th/6th Grade Referees: (must be in 7th grade or older)

Head referee:
•Arrive 15 minutes prior to game start time
•Check-in teams (you can ask the assistant referee to check in the second team if that would be helpful)
•Responsible for time keeping and blowing whistles to call for out of bounds, fouls, kick off, half-time and end of game
•Takes primary responsibility for one half of the field and calling offside, but can call a play on the other side of the midfield if the other referee doesn’t see it.

•Arrive 15 minutes prior to game start. Check in with head referee to choose sides of the field
•Check-in one team if head ref needs assistance
•Takes primary responsibility for the other half of the field and calling offside, but can call a play on the other side of the midfield if the head referee doesn’t see it.

Scheduling Games, Receiving Payment, & Payment Rates

NYS uses called Assignr for IM referees to schedule games and receive payment.  Information on how to use the app and links to download the app for your phone and/or register via the website will be coming soon!

While we still encourage a certification program, payments will be based on grade level.

Referee Payment Rate

 Referee Mentor

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5/6 * Grade 2 

$ 18

$ 20

$ 20

$ 25$ 25
* Payment Rate for Grade 2 Mentor
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